Friday, 26 December 2008

Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
and that your dreams do reality to themselves

See you soon

Thursday, 25 December 2008

hello Teodora

I wish you a :

Merry Christmas and..........

a Happy New Year.

The best wishes for you and your family.

my description: Evelyn L.G.

Hi, my name's Evelyn and I'm 13. I'm doing second grade of secundary school right now. I like do sport and read mistery and comedy books. I also love my friends!

When I'm older I'd like to be psychologist and by my own flat. I wouldn't like to be firefighter because it's very dangerous and I don't want to work in a factory because I think it would be boring.

I'd like to stop wars because the problems can be over if us talk about it. To make it happen the presidents can sit down and talk about it.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Merry christmas

Hello Teodora

Merry christmas and happy new year. I hope you have many presents and that you like...
I desire you celebrate this night with your family.

See you soon!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Teodora: Merry christmas and happy new year.

Sunday, 21 December 2008


Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Dear students,

Have a happy Christmas and all the best for 2009.
Here is an activity called treaure hunt. I hope you enjoy it!!

No homework, just treasure hunting.

To start the treasure hunt you must click on the link on the right hand side of the screen.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

TASK 6 '' text ''

Hi,my name's jackson and I'm 13.Just now I am doing second of secondary school in the institute BCN Congrés. I like drawing and I am not in any team.
I also I like play DS! This way I am !

When I'm adult I like to do draftsman of comic or natural chemist. I wouldn't like to be waiter because it's boring, and I don't want to be doctor because I do not like the blood.

I'd like to finish with the hunger of the word some day. To make it happen, I can to do campaig to save money and send it to the neddy countries.

**TASK 5**part two

My description! - Jennifer -

Hi, my name is Jennifer and I'm 13. Just now I am doing 2 º of secondary school in the institute Barcelona Congrés. One of my favorite subjects they are the mathematics, me they turn out to be easy enough. Also I like to do gymnastics, overcoat when we play to football. I like the animals, my favorite it is the delfín.
When I'm adult I like to do criminology. One of my dreams that I like expiring is to travel all over the world and to observe to the most curious animals of the land. I would not like to be lawyer, because if some day me touches to defend someone who is really guilty isn't ready to do it, because serious unfair.
I would not like that nobody was spending hunger in the whole world and that we all have the same right, already that this is impossible but it is what I think.


Hi, my name's Andriy and I'm 13. I'm doing a second grade at secondary school rigth now. I like swimming and I'm in the swimming team . I also love drawing!

When I'm older I'd like to be an actor or videogame designer. I wouldn't like to be firefighter because it's dangerous, and I don't want to be a dentist because I don't want to see the mouths of the people...

I'd like to stop pollution but I know this is almost impossible. To make it happen, I can not spend so much water, and to save electricity

Hello! I'm Laura T, I'm thirteen years old.I'm Spanish and I live in Barcelona.My hobby is do aerobics and listen the music. My favorite places in Barcelona are Tibidabo, the beach and The Parc Güell.

Good bye!

Hello! I'm Carla M., I'm fifteen years old.I'm Spanish and I live in Barcelona.My hobby is Teakwondo. I love sports!!My favorite places in Barcelona are Tibidabo, the beach and The parc of montjuic.

Good bye!

My favourite places in BCN

My favorite places in Barcelona are:

the Tibidabo because that has many attractions.
Uderground: L5 Horta/Cornellà to Diagonal, L S2 Plaça Catalunya/Les Planes station Provença to Peu Funicular.

the beach because I like the sea.
Underground: L4 Barceloneta

and the Agbar Tower because is very light at night
Underground: L5 to L1 (Glorias)

Hello! We are Verónica, Carla and Laura.
This is the work of plants.
Good bye

my post

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Friday, 12 December 2008

task 5

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Friday, 5 December 2008


Hello!! I'm Danna.
I am fourteen years old.
I'm from Cali,Colombia but now I live in Barcelona.
My hobbies are playing basketball and shopping.
My favourite places in Barcelona are "Las Ramblas", "La Sagrada Familia" and "Parc Güell" is very nice to see it.
Las Ramblas are full of people.
Is very amazing to see La Sagrada Familia.

My description
Hello,my name is Harold.I'm a teennager of thirteen years old.I'm from Bolivia but now I live in Barcelona.
My hobbies are playing the basketball and hockey.
My favorite places in Barcelona is the beach, "Las Ramblas" ,Botanical Garden and "La Sagrada Familia".e-mail

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Hello! My name is Ricardo but my friends call me Ricky
I have thirteen years old.I from of spain, and live in Barcelona
I live with my parents and my brothers.
My hobby is sports andI do taekwondo.
In my free time I listen to music, chat ... ect
My favorite spot is the beach in Barcelona

Ricardo Vargas


Hi! My name is Ian.
I thirteen years, my hobby is playing football and I'm in a soccer team.
My favorite Monument barcelona is the Holy Family
I am from spain, live in Barcelona and I live with my parents

Ian L.Podadera


WTF taekwondo classes for free.

Monday,Wednesday and Friday from 7:30pm

to 8:30pm

It 's absolutely free

Ricardo Vargas


Boxing classes

Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 pm hai to bring boxing gloves.


Ian L.Podadera

my description

Hello! I'm Laura.
I'm thirteen years old.
I'm from Tegucigalpa, Honduras and now I live in Barcelona
My hobbies are do gimnastics, listening to music or whatch the TV; my favourite programme is ''el internado'' and my favourite music is pop.
My favourite places in Barcelona are the zoo, ''la pedrera'' etc. The zoo is very interesting and ''la pedrera'' is very beautiful.

My Description

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Tennis Classes

Come for join in this classes. Thuersdays and Fridays at 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the gym you needed a racket it's a new club of tennis the cost is 65€ each month.

For more information contact Alex.
Is joined! =)

I'm Santiago, I am thirteen years old, I am from an island in the Caribean sea, off the cost of Colombia, but now live in Barcelona. My hobby is listening to music, my favourite music is rap and hip hop. I also play basketball.
e-mail address:

Hello! My name is Andriy Ayyala.I have thirteen years old. I'm from Ukraine, Now I live in Barcelona(Spain).I live with my family: My mother and my father. I like swimming, cooking and play videogames. My favourite colour is green. On free time I drawing and watch TV and my favourites programmes are "El Internado", "Escenas de Matrimonio" and "That's so Raven", my favourite movie are High School Musical. I like to be an actor. I don't like school, my favourite subject are french, technologies and physics and chemistry. I know cooking macaroni, food from my country and much more. At weekend I help my family do the shopping, drying and clean up the house

Laia G.

My name is Laia.
I'm 13 years old.
I'm from Spain and I live in Barcelona.
My hobby is the chat.

About me.

Hi, I'm Antonio, I'm fourteen years old, I from Perú but now I live in Barcelona. I love listening to music, like reggaeton, salsa and house. I play basketball in the school team. email adress:
Hi, I'm Joan Llucià. I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Barce-
lona ( Spain ).My favourite music is rap and hip-hop.I like swimming and basketball.
e-mail address:

Monday, 1 December 2008


Congratulations to all the ones that have made the effort to make THE POSTER OF EXTRA SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Well done!

Here is something for you to do for the Trees Project.

Watch the Project Plant it!
Using the pictures you have taken and the vocabulary you've learned:

1.Label each tree with its common name.
2.Then label the different parts of the tree.

You can use Photoshop or any other sofware for this task.
See the example above.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

MY POSTER name:Katherine Oñate

TEEN DISCFridays and Saturdays from 7.00-11.00

Tickets €3.50

One free drink

Bring two friends. Get in free!

Friday, 28 November 2008

My poster

Would you like to learn to dance Cumbia?
Wednesday and Friday from 17:30pm to 20:30pm.
The cost is the 5€ for week!!!
cToome to the classes to bring long skirt.
For more information contact with 627209271

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Friday, 21 November 2008



Mondays and thursdays at 5.45pm a 6.45pm.
Equipament necessary is shorts and boots!
This is a new baketball club professional.
Cost a 15$ every monthly.
For more information contact Harold.
(Year 8 room 12)

Thursday, 13 November 2008

My poster

I'm Laura Torrubiano and this is my poster.
Good Bye!!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


My poster:
Noemí Haro Massó

Thursday, 6 November 2008

My Free Time


Im Evelyn. I have three hours of free time on school days. But in the weekends I have more free time.
In my free time I like listen pop music, watch tv progammes like "El Internado" or "Física o Química", walk my dog, read books or magazines and I like go out with my friends.
Also I help in home. I swip the floor, I do the washing up, I lay the tableand I go to the supermarket.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

My Free time

Hi my name is Laura Vizcaino and this is my free time.
I have about four hours on my free time on working days, but at yhe weekends I have more time or the who days.
In my free tune I listen various types of music, I watch TV, I do my homework and tidy my room.On Mondays and Wednesdays, I do gymnastics and after do my homework.
And sometimes go to the supermarket

See you soon!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Dear students,

Here I am in this beautiful and historical town, Biedenkopf. I hope you are behaving and working hard in ENGLISH!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008


My name is Katherine .I have 13 years old. I'm from Guayaquil, Ecuador.I live in Barcelona, Spain. I live with my family. My hobbies are listen my favourite music.

I have about five hours of free time on school days.
In my free time I watch TV I listen to music. my favourite music is regeeton, baladas and bachatas. I tide my room, I chat on the computer, I go out with my friends and I help sometimes my mum in:
*I go to the supermarket.
*I dust the furniture.
*I put the washing maching.
*I hang out the clothes.
*I baby sit my sister.

Saturday, 25 October 2008



Hi! My name's Sharon. I'm thirteen. I was born in Quito,Ecuador. But now I live in Barcelona, Catalonia. I live with my family, my mother Teresa, my sister Diana and my brother Diego. I've got a pet it's called Tomas. My hobbies are listen to music and go to the cinema with my family or friends. My favourites subjects are PE and french. My favourite sport is football. My favourite football player's Lionel Messi. I can speak 4 lenguages: spanish, catalan, english and italian. I like all the food, except the fish. My favourites colors are black and white. I would like to go the USA or Italy.


I have about four or five hours of free time on school days. In my free time I watch TV, my favourites progammes are ``Fisica o Quimica´´ and ``El Internado´´. I listen to music, the music I listening are hip-hop, pop-rock, rock, salsa, pop, house, etc. I play with computer, chat with my friends or family. I usually go out with my friends or my family and I walk my dog.

I help sometimes help my mother in:

- I usually cook supper.
- I sometimes sweep the floor.
- I usually do the washing up.
- I often wash the floor.


My Description

Hello! My name is Andriy Ayyala.
I have thirteen years old. I'm from Ukraine, Now I live in Barcelona(Spain).I live with my family: My mother and my father. I like swimming, cooking and play videogames. My favourite colour is green. On free time I drawing and watch TV and my favourites programmes are "El Internado", "Escenas de Matrimonio" and "That's so Raven", my favourite movie are High School Musical. I like to be an actor. I don't like school, my favourite subject are french, technologies and physics and chemistry. I know cooking macaroni, food from my country and much more. At weekend I help my family do the shopping, drying and clean up the house.

Good bye!

Friday, 24 October 2008

My free time

Hi I´m Marjorie Cabrera

I have obout two houers on school days and i usually listen to music and watch tv, my favourites programes are ¨el internado¨ and ¨fisica o quimica¨ my favourite music are rap,hip hop,pop music and reggaeton,and help my mother
good bye


Hi my name Marjorie Cabrera
I´m thirteen years old I´m from ecuator,but I live in Barcelona,Spain.I like play basketball and bolle i ball,listen various type of music: bachata, reggaeton,rap and hip hop.

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Hi! My name is Jackson Barbosa.
I am of Brazil in the capital my favorite colour is the blue and I like animals.I have more or less four hours on working days;I usually play the Nintendo DS, watch TV and drawing.
I help my mother to clean,cook supper and do the washing up. I like to cook and to sew, I do not like to be going to the supermarker yo buy and do not do any deport. GOOD-BYE

My Free time

Hi! I'm Danna Astrid

I have about three hours on school days and I usually watch TV, my favourites programmes are "Los hombres de Paco" and "Fisica o Quimica". Listen to music, my favourite music are pop music,rap, hip-hop,... Play with the computer, go out with my friends or my family and help my mother.I sometimes help my mother with I do the shopping,I always put the washing maching, etc...



Hi! My name is Danna Astrid , I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Cali,Colombia but I live in Barcelona,Spain. I live with my family:My brother Jonathan, my mom Yolanda and my dad James.I like play basketball,listen various type of music: Rap, Hip-Hop,Cumbia,Bachata,Salsa and Reggaeton and I go to the cinema with my bests friends.!!



Hello! I'm Jennifer.
I have about two hours on working days and I usually watch TV, my favourites programmes are "Física o Química" and "El Internado". I like listening to music, my favourite music is pop, rock and hip-hop. I play and I chat in internet, I go out with my friends or my family and Ihelp my mother. I sometimes do the ironning , I baby sit my sister , I make supper , I sweep the floor, I do the washing up


I have about four or five hours of free time on school days. In my free time I watch TV, my favourite progamme is `Fisica o Quimca´. I listen to music, the music I listening are hip-hop, pop-rock, rock, salsa, pop, etc. I play and chat with the computer. I usually go out with my friends or my family. I walk my dog.

I help sometimes help my mother in:

- I cook supper.
- I sweepthe floor.
- I do the washing up.
- I wash the floor.


Hello! My name is Ricardo.
I have twelve years.I from of spain and live in barcelona.
My interests sports do as the football,the basketball,the ping pong, ect.
In my free time: I listen to music,I watch TV, play the computer i pub-crawl with my friends, go out with them and i play the psp.


Hi! My name is Ian. I have 13 years old.
I'm from spain.I live in barcelona spain
I live which my family,my favorite sports:
play basketball and football.
I my free time:I listen to music;
I watch tv,go out with my friends,
play with the computer,and sometimes
play football.

Monday, 20 October 2008


If you have taken the pictures of the trees, please send them to:


Write a text about yourself and send it to:

Thursday, 9 October 2008


Dear students,

At last we have a blog for our
Trees Project.
Thanks for your patience for these last few weeks.
I hope you enjoy it!

Here you have some work to start with the Trees Project.

Let's learn about


Read and click on the parts of the tree